Computing the ExoWay

You can define computing as "doing something with information so that the result is more useful to you than what you started with."
There are two ways of doing computing:
- The way people would insist on it being done if they could.
- The way it is done today, which is actually the way hardware wants it done.
Today, all computing (without exception) is done the hardware way.
History tells us why….
Computing began in the 1940s and the 1950s. Hardware was expensive then and did almost nothing. Efficient code was needed and provided: Minimum instructions to produce maximum effect and fixed routines were created that did X – every time.
People don’t often do things according to fixed routines. That way of doing things produced files – files of code and files of data.
But people don’t have mental "files."
- People’s abilities (their code) are all in one pot.
- People’s data is all in one pot, also.
In those days, things were so difficult that there was no question of code – which could do one thing such as calculate – being written to something completely different as well – such as play around with words, or do word processing. OUT of the QUESTION!
That way of doing things lead to programs, where this program calculates and that program plays with words.
But people don’t split things up mentally into programs. People don’t have to do any equivalent of "switching programs" in order to do something different.
The program and file way of doing things continues today, wholly and solely because that was the only way computers 70 years ago could do it!
Because this insane way of computing is not at all how people do it, everyone has to learn how to do computing the insane way. And that way is pretty hard.
And that way of doing things gets tremendously complicated – as we all know so well.
Nothing is self-evident. The only alternative, is for computers to do computing the way people do computing: The "people-computing" method.
If there were such a computer that computed human-style, you could imagine that computing would be as easy as using a capable person to do something for you. And it is.
From the fact that today’s computers can only do a tiny fraction of what people can do with the same data, you could imagine that a computer version of human computing might do it completely differently to how computers do it today. And, they do.
For a start – since people do their computing completely without files and programs – you could imagine that there would be no programs, and files would be optional and not mandatory the way they are in the real world. And so it is, we have no programs and you only use files if you choose to.
You might also imagine that since you don’t have to tell people to remember information – they just do it – you would not have to tell such a human computer to save anything either. And, it does.
You might imagine as well, that how the human does something would dictate how such human-like software would have to be constructed to do things in a similar way. And it does.
You might imagine that since you can talk to people and get them to do things, that you could talk to such a computer and get it to do stuff too. And you can.
You might also imagine that such a human-like computer might not have much in common with the computers of today. It might be so revolutionary that it could actually mimic the way that people do things. And it does.
In the ExoWay, almost everything is different. It’s not that you can’t do everything that’s done today – but you can do that and whole lot more. And because the ExoWay "thinks" like a person, it’s faster, easier and offers a lot more BANG! for your computing buck.
The end result is that when computing is done the ExoWay, the computer can do everything conventional computers can do, PLUS (PLUS PLUS) almost everything people can do with data that computers can’t do today. Most importantly, when computing is done the ExoWay, computing is about as easy as dealing with another person.
In this kind of human-like computing, you know that when a computer can usually do x, you will find the human-like computer has a way to do x++.
The video about "Computing the ExoWay" gives you an overview of what this human-way of doing computing is like – today and tomorrow, too. It shows you what each of the parts in the software are now and how they go together to make a very complete, very powerful, very fast system.
You will see how they make a computer that is a simpler and far more powerful replacement for most of today’s computing.
It’s time to modernize computing! Find out how: Computing the ExoWay Part 1